The Moose Membership app has recently been updated and is packed with improvements to enhance your user experience. If your app has not already been updated, the next time you open the app, it should send you to the store so you can download the update. If not the go to your app store and download the updated app.
This update includes:
Members will not be allowed to change their name using the app. Name changes must be made online through "My Membership Record" or by contacting your Lodge/Chapter/Moose Legion or Moose International.
President's Message
Eugene Bustichi
Construction has begun on our new lodge. And it's moving quickly. With luck we will be in our new location before May 2025. Now some of you may not be as happy with this upcoming
move as am I. But, the one thing we will be happy about is everything in the new location will be brand new...almost everything.
We will bring our furniture with us. Tables and chairs. We will have new kitchen equipment, new bathroom fixtures, new social quarters, and new lighting. We will even have new heat and air conditioning!
The current board of officers is working tirelessly trying to get everything right. We attend meetings at least once a week, sometimes twice a week, with the contractor and Fortinet. Trust me, the meetings are not the fun part, but with your support, we will see it through to the move.
Good Luck to all, and God Bless America and All Her Soldiers.
Eugene Bustichi
Treasurer's Message
Perry James
Treasurer’s Message
Hello 2049 members,
I'm currently the Treasurer of the Lodge. I will also be fulfilling
• the duties of the Administrator until the time we find a replacement for Charlie. I'm learning my way around the office and I'm trying to keep everything current. So far, so good.
I want to thank all the members who have given me a hand or a little moral support during the last month. I really appreciate it. So with that said, the Lodge is still looking for an Administrator. If you want more details, ask one of the Officers for more information.
Perry James
From the Editor
Kay Peterson
I would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to all women who are Lodge members to join our Women of the Moose Chapter. Our Chapter meets on the fourth Monday each month at 7 PM and enjoys a social time together after our meetings in the social quarters.
The official emblem of the Women of the Moose is a heart with a triangle in the center. In the center of the triangle is a gold standing moose. On the points of the triangle are the letters F, H, C, which stand for Faith, Hope and Charity. These are the three great principles that our members live by.
As a member of the Women of the Moose, you have the opportunity to elevate within our Organization. There are three higher degrees within the Women of the Moose that you can achieve: Academy of Friendship, Star Recorder and College of Regents.
Along with personal goals, our Chapter also has the opportunity to earn the Award of Achievement. This honor is awarded by the Grand Chancellor to Chapters that work together as a team and successfully support efforts in membership building and maintaining assets.
Our Chapter works hand in hand with our Lodpe hosting many social events/ Dances throughout the year. Come join us as we make a aiHerence in the lives of our Mooseheart children and our seniors at Mooseheaven!
Kay Peterson
Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Published bimonthly by Sunnyvale Moose Lodge 2049
905 Kifer Road • Sunnyvale CA 94086 408-735-1377
Deadline for submitting content for the next newsletter is the 10th of the month.
Email your copy to
Moose Charities News
Chuck Barber
Moose Charties
Once again, it is time for the annual Mooseheart Rudolph Run. You can take part virtually. Just visit, "select already a Moose" then scroll to the bottom to find the Moose Charities tab,
then watch for the Rudolph Run graphic, click on that, and you will find all the information including Lodge teams already donating. Please consider starting a Sunnyvale 2049 team.
The Mooseheart Rudolph Run event is being held November 23, 2024. Start time is 10:00 am CT (8:00 am PT). Participants can run, walk, or stroll to benefit Mooseheart Child City & School. Registration cost are $40 for adults and $20 for children under 12 years old.
This is a critical fundraiser that supports Mooseheart Child City & School, which is home to nearly 200 children each year.
Mooseheart continues to provide the highest quality of care and education and this challenge can only be met with YOUR generosity. We need to continue to strengthen an academic program and vocational program that works - and allow students to take strides to learn at the appropriate grade level and graduate with a college scholarship. Yes, 80% of Mooseheart graduating seniors enroll in two and four-year universities around the country!
Mooseheart Child City and School gives children a second chance at childhood in a safe environment where they enjoy a solid education and loving home environment.
Because of your generous support and participation, we can continue to provide for the children.
Chuck Barber
Moose legion News
Alan Childs
Moose Legion
Most lodge male members have heard about our Golden Spot #15 Moose Legion. Many have joined, but to the lodge male members who haven't become a Moose Legionnaire, we would welcome elevating you to the "Next Level of Fraternalism," called the "Degree of Service." It's easy! No application fee, dues are nominal at $20 per year. Upon joining, you will attend a one hour Conferral and learn more about our great Fraternity and what we do.
Our Mission: To have fun while providing greater service to the Moose Fraternity. Your dues help the Moose Legion in many ways. If you desire to do more, that is certainly appreciated, but not required to become a Moose Legionnaire. The only requirement to join is that you are a male Moose Lodge member. There is no long waiting period.
Our Vision: Persuade all qualified Lodge members to join the Moose Legion and do some good thing for someone each day.
I would also welcome you to attend our Lodge Moose Legion Committee Meetings usually held on the 1st Sunday of each month at 11:00 am, following our Sunday breakfast. Please check our lodge calendar for the dates. We go over the previous monthly meeting minutes and discuss your ideas on how to improve Fraternalism. Upcoming Moose Legion events are also discussed and planned.
Since Carol and Charlie Bell retired to Moosehaven there are positions to be filled. We need more volunteers, even if it's only once a month. Kathy Childs is assisting as the Master Scheduler by working to fill those voids. If you desire to help, and are willing to donate a few hours of your time, please contact or cell 650-520-9004.
Alan Childs
Youth Awareness
Kathy Childs
Moose Youth Awareness
Youth Awareness Program
For me, one of the most challenging parts of this scholarship program is helping 9th-12th grade students find places to present their motivational Kids Talks to groups of children. Do any of you have contacts at an elementary school, children's church group, afterschool program, Scout troop, or other group of kids? I really need help finding places! These highly motivated high school students are asked to present a carefully prepared 10-15 minute motivational talk on their chosen topic such as saving our environment, making healthy choices, or doing well in school. It would be tremendously helpful if you could contact me either personally or on our Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Facebook page if you can help with places for the students to speak! See my contact information below.
It has just been announced that the increased scholarship amounts for this school year are now:
- 1st Place: $12,000
- 2nd Place: $8,000
- 3rd Place: $6,000
- 4th Place: $5.000
- 5th Place: $4,000
Two scholarship informational meetings known as "Congresses" are currently scheduled at the Sunnyvale Moose Lodge on Sept. 19 at 4 pm and Oct. 13 at 11 am. The Youth Awareness Scholarship program is open to all motivated 9th-12th grade students. Their parents do not need to be Moose members and a high GPA is not a factor. Know of a student who could benefit from this program? Have them contact me at or
Kathy Childs,
Youth Awareness Coordinator