Sunnyvale Moose Lodge #2049

Moose Heart

Hours of Operation

lodge phone number: 408/685-2129

( At this time, see Calendar )

Weekly Events





- Pool Team - check schedule

- Tuesday Night Country line dancing. Fun, friendly, high energy line dancing. 7:00pm - 10:30PM

- Tango "Practica" 7 - 10pm

- Rick's Varity Show 7:00 - 10pm

- Tacos 6:00 - 7:30

- Poker at 6:00

- LineDance Lessons with Nanci 6:30 - 7:30 PM

- Ohana Line Dancing 7:30 - 10:30 PM

Note: Actual Lodge closing time is at the discression of the bartender.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, January 4, 2025
District Meeting in Monterey Lodge. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
General Board Meeting (open to all SVM members) - 8:00pm
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
General Board Meeting (open to all SVM members) - 8:00pm
Saturday, February 1, 2025
District Meeting in Monterey lodges. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
General Board Meeting (open to all SVM members) - 8:00pm
Friday, February 14, 2025
Articles due for Mar/Apr Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
General Board Meeting (open to all SVM members) - 8:00pm
Saturday, March 1, 2025
District Meeting in TBD. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
General Board Meeting (open to all SVM members) - 8:00pm
Friday, March 14, 2025
Articles due for Mar/Apr Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
General Board Meeting (open to all SVM members) - 8:00pm

2025 International Convention

The Moose Fraternaty ROARS into Milwaukee May 22-26th, 2025 for its 137th International Convention and there's a lot to be excited about!

Milwaukee is home to Harley- Davidson motorcycles, a myriaa of microbreweries, a close-knit creative community, and was named one of National Geographic's 25 best destinations for travel last year. Add to that an opportunity to visit the Mooseheart campus and participate in the high school graduation ceremony ana other campus activities, and you have a rare opportunity to hear AND see what The Moose is all about.

Make plans now to attend the festivities and meetings of The Moose in Brew City —a weekend you'll never forget!

Information on registration etc. at httDs://www.mooseintl.orp/milwaukee- convention/

Membership Survey

Scan this QR code with your smartphone and it will lead you to our "Sunnyvale Moose membership Survey". Please take the time to fill out this survey. This survey can be completedfrom your smartphone. It will help us to better support you, our Sunnyvale Moose members. Thank you.

President's Message

Eugene Bustichi

Treasurer's Message

Perry James

Treasurer’s Message

Greetings 2049 members.

It's getting close to the time to start looking for individuals for the next Board of Officers. The Nominating Committee will start meeting in late February to get the next Board lined up to take office on May 1, 2025. It's a lot closer than you think. We are also looking for a new Administrator. This is an important position on the Board of officers and the procedure for electing one is a little different than the rest of the board. First, the person is nominated and elected by the Board. Second, the person is elected by the membership of the Lodge. Third, the person is approved by the General Governors office at Moose International. The person can serve as an Acting Administrator, not to exceed 6 months, and then has to be either elected or replaced. There are several positions open this year on th board. If interested, please fill out an interest form and give it to one of the members of the current board or to the President or even myself. When we begin the Committee, we will be in touch with you.

The Lodge is currently doing ok. The bills are paid and we still have some money in the bank. If anyone does any Heart of the Community service, please let me know the expenses, mileage, and hours involved, so I can get the information on the report to Moose International. Thanks.

Perry James

From the Editor

Kay Peterson

I would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to all women who are Lodge members to join our Women of the Moose Chapter. Our Chapter meets on the fourth Monday each month at 7 PM and enjoys a social time together after our meetings in the social quarters.

The official emblem of the Women of the Moose is a heart with a triangle in the center. In the center of the triangle is a gold standing moose. On the points of the triangle are the letters F, H, C, which stand for Faith, Hope and Charity. These are the three great principles that our members live by.

As a member of the Women of the Moose, you have the opportunity to elevate within our Organization. There are three higher degrees within the Women of the Moose that you can achieve: Academy of Friendship, Star Recorder and College of Regents.

Along with personal goals, our Chapter also has the opportunity to earn the Award of Achievement. This honor is awarded by the Grand Chancellor to Chapters that work together as a team and successfully support efforts in membership building and maintaining assets.

Our Chapter works hand in hand with our Lodpe hosting many social events/ Dances throughout the year. Come join us as we make a aiHerence in the lives of our Mooseheart children and our seniors at Mooseheaven!


Kay Peterson

Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Published bimonthly by Sunnyvale Moose Lodge 2049
905 Kifer Road • Sunnyvale CA 94086 408-735-1377

Deadline for submitting content for the next newsletter is the 10th of the month.
Email your copy to

Moose Charities News

Chuck Barber
Moose Charties

The last three California Nevada Moose Association President's have undertaken special projects to benefit Mooseheart and Moosehaven M including Bingo Equipment for Moosehaven and the recently completed project to purchase a security cart for Moosehaven.

CNMA President Dina Munday has announced that during this year her project is to purchase new sports equipment for our Mooseheart students. This eauipment will serve to upgrade the existing equipment which is quite old and wearing out. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to particiDate in this project. Make checks Dayable to Moose Charities and earmark the check for the CNMA President‘s Project. This would be a great way to give a Christmas gift to our Mooseheart students. See ad in 'Activities section'.

Chuck Barber

Moose legion News

Alan Childs
Moose Legion

Your Moose Membership identity is now available as an "electronic membeship card" on your phone. Soon, Moose Lodges will require the use of a QR code in the app to enter a lodge.

Download the free "Moose Membership" app from Google (android) or the App Store (iPhone). When you open the app, if you already have credentials, log in with your user name and password. Or click Register and follow the instructions.

Within the app the main options are:

  • Membership card - displays a picture of your membership Card plus a QR code for lodge access.
  • Member info - displays your active membership(s) record, and other info such as your Moose Reward Points.
  • Lodge Locator - shows nearby lodges, and also allows you to search for all lodges, by zip, city, or state.
  • Pay dues - displays active/expired status and allows you to pay dues.
  • New Member Application allows you to apply to a Lodge, Chapter or Moose Legion or sign up other potential members.
  • General Laws - displays The Moose General Laws, Moose Legion Rules, and the WOTM Laws

Administrators, volunteers, and other tasked with checking Moose membership card should treat the new electronics membership card the same as the printed card. For more details on the new system, go to

Alan Childs

Youth Awareness

Kathy Childs
Moose Youth Awareness

This school year our seven local Moose Lodpes have had more students involved with the Youth Awareness program than ever before. We are sponsoring an amazing 72 students from our District!!

The participating 9th-12th graoers have already planned their Kids Talks, presented them to three or more groups of children, and written one report on their three talks. Their reports were due in late DecemDer and are currently being judged by other high school students. Stay tuned for the Dig announcement of the finalists who will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Rapid City, South Dakota in April to compete for college scholarships up to $12,000. Each finalist will automatically receive $500 when they return from South Dakota, plus the opportunity to meet students from across the nation and possibly win one of the larger scholarships. (Many thanks to each man who is a Moose Legionnaire because a portion of their Moose Legion dues helps to provide these large college scholarships!)

The high school students are extremely motivated and I expect that we might very well have some finalists from our local lodges. Students are allowed to participate auring all four years of their high school careers. Last school year, California had two top winners with one student winning $12,000 and a Sunnyvale student winning $5,000.

We are very pröud of all the Youth Awareness students. They have presented motivational talks to thousands of children, inspiring these young children to learn and to do their best in school and in life.

Kathy Childs

Moose Heart Moose Charities Moose Haven